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javascript 常用代码大全(超级收藏,强烈推荐)(2)

2010年4月26日 23:17 本文热度 7606

全屏幕打开 ie 窗口

14,各种object classid=>相关类,如播放器,flash与脚本互动等
16, 刷新/模拟无刷新 异步调用类(xmlhttp或iframe,frame) [/align]

一个可以在页面上随意画线、多边形、圆,填充等功能的js (part 2)
function mkov2d(left, top, width, height)
var s = this.stroke;
width += s-1;
height += s-1;
var a = width>>1, b = height>>1,
wod = width&1, hod = (height&1)+1,
cx = left+a, cy = top+b,
x = 0, y = b,
aa = (a*a)<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,
st = (aa>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,
tt = (bb>>1) - aa*((b<<1)-1); if (s-4 < 0 && (!(s-2) || width-51 > 0 && height-51 > 0))
var ox = 0, oy = b,
w, h,
pxl, pxr, pxt, pxb, pxw;
while (y > 0)
if (st < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);
else if (tt < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3);
w = x-ox;
h = oy-y; if (w-1)
pxw = w+1+(s&1);
h = s;
else if (h-1)
pxw = s;
h += 1+(s&1);
else pxw = h = s;
this.mkovqds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox-pxw+w+wod, -oy, -h+oy+hod, pxw, h);
ox = x;
oy = y;
tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3);
st -= (aa<<1)*(--y);
this.mkdiv(cx-a, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod);
this.mkdiv(cx+a+wod-s+1, cy-oy, s, (oy<<1)+hod);
} else
var _a = (width-((s-1)<<1))>>1,
_b = (height-((s-1)<<1))>>1,
_x = 0, _y = _b,
_aa = (_a*_a)<<1, _bb = (_b*_b)<<1,
_st = (_aa>>1)*(1-(_b<<1)) + _bb,
_tt = (_bb>>1) - _aa*((_b<<1)-1), pxl = new array(),
pxt = new array(),
_pxb = new array();
pxl[0] = 0;
pxt[0] = b;
_pxb[0] = _b-1;
while (y > 0)
if (st < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
else if (tt < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - (aa<<1)*(y-1);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa*(((y--)<<1)-3);
pxl[pxl.length] = x;
pxt[pxt.length] = y;
tt -= aa*((y<<1)-3);
st -= (aa<<1)*(--y);
} if (_y > 0)
if (_st < 0)
_st += _bb*((_x<<1)+3);
_tt += (_bb<<1)*(++_x);
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y-1;
else if (_tt < 0)
_st += _bb*((_x<<1)+3) - (_aa<<1)*(_y-1);
_tt += (_bb<<1)*(++_x) - _aa*(((_y--)<<1)-3);
_pxb[_pxb.length] = _y-1;
_tt -= _aa*((_y<<1)-3);
_st -= (_aa<<1)*(--_y);
} var ox = 0, oy = b,
_oy = _pxb[0],
l = pxl.length,
w, h;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (typeof _pxb != "undefined")
if (_pxb < _oy || pxt < oy)
x = pxl;
this.mkovqds(cx, cy, -x+1, ox+wod, -oy, _oy+hod, x-ox, oy-_oy);
ox = x;
oy = pxt;
_oy = _pxb;
x = pxl;
this.mkdiv(cx-x+1, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);
this.mkdiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);
ox = x;
oy = pxt;
this.mkdiv(cx-a, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);
this.mkdiv(cx+ox+wod, cy-oy, 1, (oy<<1)+hod);
function mkovdott(left, top, width, height)
var a = width>>1, b = height>>1,
wod = width&1, hod = height&1,
cx = left+a, cy = top+b,
x = 0, y = b,
aa2 = (a*a)<<1, aa4 = aa2<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,
st = (aa2>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,
tt = (bb>>1) - aa2*((b<<1)-1),
drw = true;
while (y > 0)
if (st < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);
else if (tt < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - aa4*(y-1);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa2*(((y--)<<1)-3);
tt -= aa2*((y<<1)-3);
st -= aa4*(--y);
if (drw) this.mkovqds(cx, cy, -x, x+wod, -y, y+hod, 1, 1);
drw = !drw;
一个可以在页面上随意画线、多边形、圆,填充等功能的js (part 3) function mkrect(x, y, w, h)
var s = this.stroke;
this.mkdiv(x, y, w, s);
this.mkdiv(x+w, y, s, h);
this.mkdiv(x, y+h, w+s, s);
this.mkdiv(x, y+s, s, h-s);
function mkrectdott(x, y, w, h)
this.drawline(x, y, x+w, y);
this.drawline(x+w, y, x+w, y+h);
this.drawline(x, y+h, x+w, y+h);
this.drawline(x, y, x, y+h);
function jsgfont()
this.plain = 'font-weight:normal;';
this.bold = 'font-weight:bold;';
this.italic = 'font-style:italic;';
this.italic_bold = this.italic + this.bold;
this.bold_italic = this.italic_bold;
var font = new jsgfont();
function jsgstroke()
this.dotted = -1;
var stroke = new jsgstroke();
function jsgraphics(id, wnd)
this.setcolor = new function('arg', 'this.color = arg.tolowercase();'); this.setstroke = function(x)
this.stroke = x;
if (!(x+1))
this.drawline = mklindott;
this.mkov = mkovdott;
this.drawrect = mkrectdott;
else if (x-1 > 0)
this.drawline = mklin2d;
this.mkov = mkov2d;
this.drawrect = mkrect;
this.drawline = mklin;
this.mkov = mkov;
this.drawrect = mkrect;
this.setprintable = function(arg)
this.printable = arg;
if (jg_fast)
this.mkdiv = mkdivie;
this.htmrpc = arg? htmprtrpc : htmrpc;
else this.mkdiv = jg_n4? mklyr : arg? mkdivprt : mkdiv;
this.setfont = function(fam, sz, sty)
this.ftfam = fam;
this.ftsz = sz;
this.ftsty = sty || font.plain;
this.drawpolyline = this.drawpolyline = function(x, y, s)
for (var i=0 ; ithis.drawline(x, y, x[i+1], y[i+1]);
this.fillrect = function(x, y, w, h)
this.mkdiv(x, y, w, h);
this.drawpolygon = function(x, y)
this.drawpolyline(x, y);
this.drawline(x[x.length-1], y[x.length-1], x[0], y[0]);
this.drawellipse = this.drawoval = function(x, y, w, h)
this.mkov(x, y, w, h);
this.fillellipse = this.filloval = function(left, top, w, h)
var a = (w -= 1)>>1, b = (h -= 1)>>1,
wod = (w&1)+1, hod = (h&1)+1,
cx = left+a, cy = top+b,
x = 0, y = b,
ox = 0, oy = b,
aa2 = (a*a)<<1, aa4 = aa2<<1, bb = (b*b)<<1,
st = (aa2>>1)*(1-(b<<1)) + bb,
tt = (bb>>1) - aa2*((b<<1)-1),
pxl, dw, dh;
if (w+1) while (y > 0)
if (st < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3);
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x);
else if (tt < 0)
st += bb*((x<<1)+3) - aa4*(y-1);
pxl = cx-x;
dw = (x<<1)+wod;
tt += (bb<<1)*(++x) - aa2*(((y--)<<1)-3);
dh = oy-y;
this.mkdiv(pxl, cy-oy, dw, dh);
this.mkdiv(pxl, cy+oy-dh+hod, dw, dh);
ox = x;
oy = y;
tt -= aa2*((y<<1)-3);
st -= aa4*(--y);
this.mkdiv(cx-a, cy-oy, w+1, (oy<<1)+hod);
}; this.fillpolygon = function(array_x, array_y)
var i;
var y;
var miny, maxy;
var x1, y1;
var x2, y2;
var ind1, ind2;
var ints; var n = array_x.length; if (!n) return;
miny = array_y[0];
maxy = array_y[0];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (array_y < miny)
miny = array_y; if (array_y > maxy)
maxy = array_y;
for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y++)
var polyints = new array();
ints = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!i)
ind1 = n-1;
ind2 = 0;
ind1 = i-1;
ind2 = i;
y1 = array_y[ind1];
y2 = array_y[ind2];
if (y1 < y2)
x1 = array_x[ind1];
x2 = array_x[ind2];
else if (y1 > y2)
y2 = array_y[ind1];
y1 = array_y[ind2];
x2 = array_x[ind1];
x1 = array_x[ind2];
else continue; if ((y >= y1) && (y < y2))
polyints[ints++] = math.round((y-y1) * (x2-x1) / (y2-y1) + x1); else if ((y == maxy) && (y > y1) && (y <= y2))
polyints[ints++] = math.round((y-y1) * (x2-x1) / (y2-y1) + x1);
polyints.sort(integer_compare); for (i = 0; i < ints; i+=2)
w = polyints[i+1]-polyints
this.mkdiv(polyints, y, polyints[i+1]-polyints+1, 1);
this.drawstring = function(txt, x, y)
this.htm += '
txt +
this.drawimage = function(imgsrc, x, y, w, h)
this.htm += '
this.clear = function()
this.htm = "";
if (this.cnv) this.cnv.innerhtml = this.defhtm;
this.mkovqds = function(cx, cy, xl, xr, yt, yb, w, h)
this.mkdiv(xr+cx, yt+cy, w, h);
this.mkdiv(xr+cx, yb+cy, w, h);
this.mkdiv(xl+cx, yb+cy, w, h);
this.mkdiv(xl+cx, yt+cy, w, h);
}; this.setstroke(1);
this.setfont('verdana,geneva,helvetica,sans-serif', string.fromcharcode(0x31, 0x32, 0x70, 0x78), font.plain);
this.color = '#000000';
this.htm = '';
this.wnd = wnd || window; if (!(jg_ie || jg_dom || jg_ihtm)) chkdhtm();
if (typeof id != 'string' || !id) this.paint = pntdoc;
this.cnv = document.all? (this.wnd.document.all[id] || null)
: document.getelementbyid? (this.wnd.document.getelementbyid(id) || null)
: null;
this.defhtm = (this.cnv && this.cnv.innerhtml)? this.cnv.innerhtml : '';
this.paint = jg_dom? pntcnvdom : jg_ie? pntcnvie : jg_ihtm? pntcnvihtm : pntcnv;
} this.setprintable(false);
} function integer_compare(x,y)
return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y)*1);
js 中,一些东西不可用的三种展现方式。
我们在web项目中,有时候需要在用户点击某个东西的时候,一些东西不可用。如果在客户端实现。最简单的就是利用disabled 。下面罗列的其中三种方式:依次是:不可用(disabled);用一个空白来代替这个地方(blank);这个区域为空(none)。具体可以查看这个blog的源文件:
obj.disabled = false; obj.style.visibility = "hidden"; obj.style.display = "none";


on this page i explain a simple dhtml example script that features invisibility, moving and the changing of text colour.
test textmake test text invisible.
make test text visible.
move test text 50 pixels down.
move test text 50 pixels up.
change colour to red.
change colour to blue.
change colour to black.
change the font style to italic.
change the font style to normal.
change the font family to 'times'.
change the font family to 'arial'.
the script
the scripts work on this html element:
test text
#text {position: absolute;
top: 400px;
left: 400px;
font: 18px arial;
font-weight: 700;
} these scripts are necessary for the three effects: var dhtml = (document.getelementbyid || document.all || document.layers); function getobj(name)
if (document.getelementbyid)
this.obj = document.getelementbyid(name);
this.style = document.getelementbyid(name).style;
else if (document.all)
this.obj = document.all[name];
this.style = document.all[name].style;
else if (document.layers)
this.obj = document.layers[name];
this.style = document.layers[name];
} function invi(flag)
if (!dhtml) return;
var x = new getobj('text');
x.style.visibility = (flag) ? 'hidden' : 'visible'
} var texttop = 400; function move(amount)
if (!dhtml) return;
var x = new getobj('text');
texttop += amount;
x.style.top = texttop;
function changecol(col)
if (!dhtml) return;
var x = new getobj('text');
x.style.color = col;
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